Innovation in Indoor Wi-Fi Connectivity: Test Campaign Results - High Urban Density Scenario


In 2022, traffic on fixed networks accounted for 83% of global traffic, while over 70% of mobile network traffic originated in indoor environments. Ensuring continuous, high-capacity, reliable, and low-latency connectivity for residential and industrial users is therefore essential. This report offers a detailed analysis of the performance of the latest Wi-Fi technologies, using the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and lower 6 GHz spectrum bands.

Test Objective

Between February and March 2024, we conducted a series of field tests replicating a high-density urban residential environment. This allowed us to analyze Wi-Fi connectivity in two key scenarios: an apartment in a densely populated urban context and an isolated house. The goal was to evaluate the ability of Wi-Fi access points to effectively handle high traffic volumes while subjected to significant interference. The access points utilized the latest technologies, taking advantage of the currently available radio frequencies. We processed data from the test sessions and compiled the results into a comprehensive report. We believe these results can serve as an interesting starting point for future evaluations of indoor wireless connectivity evolution.

Test Setup

The tests were conducted by activating numerous Wi-Fi access points to create a realistic and challenging testing environment. The tests were performed in 42 hotel rooms, using 44 Wi-Fi access points and 86 Wi-Fi stations (laptops) distributed across three floors. This setup allowed us to analyze the resilience of Wi-Fi devices under high-density interference and traffic conditions, emulating real-world usage scenarios.

A high-capacity fixed network was implemented to ensure that the results solely reflected the performance of the Wi-Fi interface and were not restricted by any limitations of the fixed network.

We developed a centralized software platform to manage the complexity of the testing campaign. This interface allowed us to activate the traffic exchanged with all connected Wi-Fi stations, managing various traffic models. The software also ensured accurate data collection and analysis.

Measurements Performed

Wi-Fi performance, including throughput were measured using tools such as WinSCP, Iperf3, VLC Media Player, and Wireshark.

Indoor received power measurements were performed with the Ekahau Sidekick 2 tool and Tamograph software.

Test Results

The test sessions for the isolated house scenario showed that the total throughput in a “target apartment” (consisting of four rooms in the middle of the middle floor with no interference from outside the apartment) exceeded 1 Gbit/s in all evaluated scenarios indicating excellent network stability and capacity.

Specifically, measurements of one Wi-Fi access point serving two user stations within a single room indicated a total throughput of around 1.5 Gbit/s, using an 80 MHz channel at 5 GHz and a 160 MHz channel at lower 6 GHz (with frequency reuses of 4 and 3 at 5 GHz and lower 6 GHz, respectively). Total throughput was observed to decrease to around 1.1 Gbit/s with one Wi-Fi access point in the room serving a total of eight user stations in four rooms (two in the same room, and two in each of three adjacent rooms). This indicates the coverage challenges associated with Wi-Fi signal propagation between rooms. Further measurements involving four Wi-Fi access points, each deployed in one of four rooms in the target apartment, and serving two stations in each room, indicated a total throughput of around 6.3 Gbit/s in the target apartment. For similar scenarios as above but with only two and three access points in the target apartment, measurements indicated total throughputs of around 1.7 Gbit/s and 4.1 Gbit/s, respectively.

In the test sessions for the dense urban apartment scenario, a gradual decrease in throughput was observed with increasing interference from access points in rooms outside the target apartment. However, total throughput always exceeded 1 Gbit/s, demonstrating the network’s ability to handle high interference conditions.

Specifically, the tests examined the same arrangement as above with four Wi-Fi access points, each deployed in one of four rooms in the target apartment and serving two stations in each room, but this time with the introduction of interference from 40 Wi-Fi access points and 78 user stations deployed in 38 surrounding rooms across three floors of the hotel (again with frequency reuses of 4 and 3 at 5 GHz and lower 6 GHz, respectively). The total throughput delivered to the target apartment was observed to exceed 4.5 Gbit/s, which is quite substantial given the challenging interference environment. For similar scenarios as above but with only two and three access points in the target apartment, measurements indicated total throughputs of around 1.7 Gbit/s and 2.4 Gbit/s, respectively.

The above result can be considered to be typical of the data rates which can be delivered by Wi-Fi by using the 5 GHz and lower 6 GHz bands in isolated houses/dwellings and in dense urban apartments and demonstrate the importance of Wi-Fi access point densification in enhancing capacity and coverage in such environments.

Key Insights from Our Wi-Fi Connectivity Report

Our comprehensive report sheds light on the real-world performance of the latest Wi-Fi technologies, emphasizing the importance of access point densification. The tests demonstrate that strategic placement and increased density of access points significantly enhance both capacity and coverage, particularly in high-interference environments. By utilizing the spectrum from the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and lower 6 GHz bands, the tests consistently achieved throughput levels exceeding 1 Gbit/s, aligning with the European Union’s 2030 connectivity objectives.

Impact of Access Point Densification

The findings reveal that the primary challenge for Wi-Fi networks is coverage, which can be effectively addressed through densification. In scenarios ranging from isolated dwellings to dense urban apartments, the measurements indicate that densification through the deployment of additional Wi-Fi access points within the same area resulted in marked improvements in throughput and network stability. This approach not only mitigates coverage limitations but also prepares networks to leverage future advancements like Wi-Fi 8, which promises even higher throughputs and lower latencies through the use of wider channels in high bands (such as mmWaves), and enhanced interference management by exploiting the higher wall penetration losses at high bands.

Download the full report and summary presentation for a description of the tests and detailed analysis of the collected data and their implications for future Wi-Fi network design and deployment strategies.